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veracode fix

Generates code fixes and, optionally, applies them to flaws in application source files using Veracode Fix. To get started, see the quickstart.

Your system must have Git installed.


./veracode fix <source> [flags]


sourceLocation of the application source files you want to fix based on the target --type. If --type is file, enter the path to a file. If --type is directory, enter the path to the directory of files.


-t, --typeTarget type you want to fix. Values are file, to fix flaws in a single file, or directory, to fix flaws in multiple files in a directory. Default is file. If the target is directory, Fix automatically applies the top suggested fix to all flaws in all files in the directory. For a directory target, if a suggested fix might cause breaking changes in your code, Fix does not apply it.
-r, --resultsLocation of the results file, in JSON format, from a Static Analysis of your application using the veracode static scan command. Default is results.json in the current directory.
-i, --issue-idFor a target --type of file, the numeric ID of an issue in results_file that you want to fix in source_file. If you include this flag, Fix does not return a list of issues.
-a, --applyFor a target --type of file, applies the top suggested fix to a flaw in source_file or to a specific flaw you entered for issue_ID. If you include this flag, Fix does not return a list of fixes. To revert a fix, use a version control system, such as Git.
-v, --verboseDisplay verbose output.
-h, --helpShow help for this command.


To analyze a Java source file using a results file with the default filename and location, run:

./veracode fix my_java_application/commands/ --type file

To analyze a Java source file using a results file in a custom location, run:

./veracode fix  my_java_application/commands/ --type file --results my_results/results.json

To automatically apply a fix to a specific issue in a Java file using a results file in a custom location, run:

./veracode fix my_java_application/commands/ --results my_results/results.json --issue-id 1234 --apply