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veracode repository add

Adds the repositories that you can access from source control management (SCM) systems to configuration Excel files. You use the configuration files with the command veracode repository report.


./veracode repository add [flags]


-h, --helpShow help for this command.


To add GitLab repositories:

  1. At a command prompt, run:

    ./veracode repository add
  2. Use the arrow keys to select GitLab, then select Enter.

  3. Enter the URL for the GitLab instance with repositories you can access, then select Enter.

  4. Enter your GitLab access token, then select Enter. The CLI generates a configuration file of all accessible repositories and saves it to an Excel file in the current directory.


    Do not change the filename of the configuration Excel file.

How this command works

When you run the veracode repository add command on one or more SCMs, it generates configuration Excel files of all repositories to which you have access. The filenames of the configuration files are the names of the SCM instances, such as a GitLab URL. The configuration files display columns that show the repository namespace, name, and, in the Is Included column, whether to include it in a report when you run the command veracode repository report. By default, the Is Included column shows Y for all newly added repositories. To stop including a repository in a report, in the Is Included column of each configuration file, change Y to N.

Supported SCM systems

  • GitHub
  • Azure DevOps
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket (Premium)