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Archer XML report fields

This table describes the fields in the Archer XML report.

Archer XML fieldDefinition
any_scan_due_dateWhen you must next run a scan, as dictated by the associated policy.
app_nameName of the application.
archer_app_nameAn optional name to match with the application name in Archer.
app_originUltimate origin of the application, such as open source.
The level of assurance for the application. Veracode has deprecated assurance level and replaced it with business criticality .
business_ownerFirst and last name of the person responsible for the application.
business_unitDepartment or group associated with the application.
custom0Custom metadata field 1.
custom1Custom metadata field 2.
custom2Custom metadata field 3.
custom3Custom metadata field 4.
custom4Custom metadata field 5.
custom5Custom metadata field 6.
custom6Custom metadata field 7.
custom7Custom metadata field 8.
custom8Custom metadata field 9.
custom9Custom metadata field 10.
custom10Custom metadata field 11.
custom11Custom metadata field 12.
custom12Custom metadata field 13.
custom13Custom metadata field 14.
custom14Custom metadata field 15.
custom15Custom metadata field 16.
custom16Custom metadata field 17.
custom17Custom metadata field 18.
custom18Custom metadata field 19.
custom19Custom metadata field 20.
custom20Custom metadata field 21.
custom21Custom metadata field 22.
custom22Custom metadata field 23.
custom23Custom metadata field 24.
custom24Custom metadata field 25.
dynamic_scoreVeracode security quality score of the most recent Dynamic Analysis scan of this application.
flawsParent field of the collection of ArcherRecords that describe flaws.
flaws\app_nameName of the application.
flaws\capecidCategory ID for the flaw.
flaws\categoryidID number of flaw category.
flaws\categorynameName of the flaw category.
flaws\cia_impactCIA value for the calculated CVSS score.
flaws\countNumber of times this flaw occurs in this scan.
flaws\cwe_descriptionDefinition of the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).
flaws\cweidID number for the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).
flaws\date_first_occurrenceDate of the scan when this flaw first occurred.
flaws\exploit_descDescription of the flaw discovered during Manual Penetration Testing.
flaws\exploitdifficultyLevel of vulnerability for the calculated CVSS score.
flaws\exploitLevelCalculated level of exploitability after static scan.
flaws\flaw_descriptionDescription of the flaw.
flaws\flaw_issue_idUnique issue ID number of the flaw.
flaws\functionprototypeClass/function information for flaws in binaries that do not have debug symbols.
flaws\functionrelativelocationRelative location of flaws in the class file of binaries that do not have debug symbols.
flaws\is_latest_buildBoolean value that indicates if this report is for the most recent scan of the application.
flaws\lineLine location of flaws in binaries that do not have debug symbols.
flaws\moduleCalling module where the flaw is located.
flaws\noteExploitability level: Very Unlikely to Very Likely
flaws\pcirelatedBoolean value that indicates if the flaw is PCI-related.
flaws\platformPlatform metadata from the application profile.
flaws\published_dateDate of the publication date of the scan results.
flaws\remediation_descDescription of how to remediate flaws discovered during Manual Penetration Testing.
flaws\remediation_statusRemediation status: New, Open, Re-Open, Fixed
flaws\remediationeffortLevel of difficulty of effort to remediate the flaw with values ranging from 1 to 5, where 5 is the most difficult.
flaws\scopeApproximate classpath for flaws in binaries that do not have debug symbols.
flaws\severitySeverity of the flaw. Value ranges from 1-5, where 5 is the most severe.
flaws\severity_descFlaw severity: 5 is Very High (VH), 4 is High, 3 is Medium, 2 is Low, 1 is Very Low (VL)
flaws\sourcefileName of the source code file that contains the flaw.
flaws\sourcefilepathFilepath of the source code file that contains the flaw.
flaws\typeFlaw type.
flaws\urlFor Dynamic Analysis, the URL where the flaw is located.
flaws\versionVersion of the application that contains the flaw.
generation_dateDate of results report generation.
grace_period_expiredParameter to indicate if flaws have existed in the most recent scan of this application for longer than the acceptable grace period.
last_update_dateDate of publication of the most recent scan of this application.
lifecycle_stageLifecycle stage of this application, such as external or beta testing.
manual_scoreSecurity quality score for the most recently published results of Manual Penetration Testing of the application.
Score in the previous Veracode scoring system.
modulesParent field of the collection of ArcherRecords that describe the scans.
modules\analysis_typeType of scan: static, dynamic, manual
modules\architectureArchitecture on which the application was built or compiled.
modules\compilerName and version of the compiler of the module.
modules\moduleName of the module.
modules\osName of the operating system for which the module is targeted.
modules\target_urlTarget URL that the Dynamic Analysis scan is to analyze.
planned_deployment_dateSpecified deployment date of the application, if provided.
platformPlatform used for the application scan.
policy_compliance_statusDescription of the policy compliance of the application: Calculating, Did Not Pass, Conditional Pass, Pass
policy_nameName of the policy assigned to the application.
policy_rules_passedBoolean value that indicates if the application passed the policy rules.
policy_versionPolicy version.
Score in the previous Veracode scoring system.
scan_overdueBoolean value that indicates the length of time since the last scan of this application is unacceptable according to the associated policy.
static_scoreSecurity Quality Score for the most recent static scan of this application.
submitted_dateSubmission date of the most recent static scan of this application.
tagsComma-separated list of metadata tags associated with this application.
teamsTeams assigned to the application.
versionVersion of this application.