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Users explore data dictionary

The following definitions describe the dimensions and measures used on the users explore in Veracode Analytics.

User dimensions

EmailThe email for the user.
Last Login Host FailureThe IP address for the user the last time this user had a login failure on the Veracode Platform.
Last Login Host SuccessThe IP address for the user the last time this user successfully logged in to the Veracode Platform.
Last Login StatusThe status of the user the last time they logged in to the Veracode Platform.
Last Successful Login DateThe last date the user successfully logged in to the Veracode Platform.
Login Account StateThe state of the account. Values are Deleted or Active.
Login Account StatusThe status of the account. Values are Enabled or Disabled.
Login Account TypeThe type of user account. Values are User Account or API Account.
MFA Token StatusThe status of the user's MFA token. Values are Token Required or No Token Required.
SAML UserIndicates if the user uses SAML. Values are Yes or No.
Teams ListA list of teams to which the user belongs.
User First NameThe user's first name on the Veracode Platform.
User Full NameThe user's full name (concatenation of the user's first name and last name) on the Veracode Platform.
User Last NameThe user's last name on the Veracode Platform.
User Roles ListA list of roles assigned to the user.
UsernameThe username on the Veracode Platform.
EmailThe user's email address.

User measures

CountThe count of total users.